hey guys..
sorry.. i've been busy so no time to meet up.. but so far only my buddy come find me at work..where did u all go to man???!!!!!
im sorry wont join u all for AHM or stand chart..... nt feelin too good these days...dun ask me why.. but ya.. anyway i will train hard to get into fitness asap...i've started on my 2nd sem..and soon going to take the coachin course..
really hope u guys have been fine!!!
miss those days in bunk and outfield.. really..i told weimeng alot of times... Memories..
*hongfa*sorry had to leave early on ur bday..cos another friend's birthday... hope the Tshirt fits u..got it frm a spree-er... who sells the stuffs in a warehouse..nt cheap u knw!!! only 1 piece nia... handsewn de!!! =) hahaha...
*Kerling*Poh Xiu
ITS Too LATE!!!!!!!!!!! haha i was in tampines so long u called so late!!! next time ok??
*KX*where u!!!!
U FUCKIN SIGN ME Up for CALIFornia didnt ya? FAKE IT!!!!! haha
*Gman*stuff settled? come out for drinks dude!!!
*buddy* thanks for the constant visits... hope u liked the TEE!
see ya team aX !!!
mood: sucky
Listening to: one republic- stop and stare
LeOooOo @
Monday, June 30, 2008
Some lobang
This is an advertisement.Hey guys,
got some cheap lobangs, wonder if you guys interested. As my company got some clearance or some sort, they are trying to clear stocks. So if you are interested, just let me know!
its a grill set and also a mini cooker.
You can take a look here,
at ebay.
at site.
If you need more info let me know, since we are friends, of course the prices would be different too!
Great for a gift to friend or use for gatherings. Easy to clean up.
If your friends want, can buy too.
Last Order on Sunday-29/06/08
uphillelm @
Friday, June 27, 2008
howws all my peeps!?!!?
lets go sing k someday!!!
guang @
Monday, June 23, 2008
yo guys! remember?
hey peeps! Remember how we said those who could run the army half marathon, we will do it together?
Guess what?

This will be a gd training opportunity! lets try for it!
so whose up for signing up? early bird till 15 june!
Bryan.W.HongFa @
Wednesday, June 4, 2008