just for laughs
Bosco @
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
remember me?
hey guys!
its been so so so long already! Since even before me and gh went for the holiday we have not met. So long never post here.
Anyway, now I just quit my other job, my next job will start officially tomorrow, working at sph, doing admin stuff or something. The previous job was quite fulfilling in many sense, but short term, I don't foresee me getting much money out of it. So I switched job, hopefully it will bring me new perspectives on things again, and also getting to meet more new people.
So, how's everyone? I think you all forgot all about booking in on sunday nights liao bah. so long liao. anyone nightmare forgot to book in then kena extra by chee xian. Sometimes, when I think back, its hard to imagine that I had been there and gone through all that and with all of you guys.. but now i guess we can only look forward..
Actually, besides doing alittle work, I also been exploring the internet abit, really alot of stuffs going on nowadays.
So, really glad to hear from everyone. wm fake it, celebrate birthday with gf.
Btw, nobody go china or mymmar for holiday right? Anyway, luckily gab no money, otherwise he would have been stuck at sichuan. Choi. Anyway, good luck to everyone! Cya.
uphillelm @
Sunday, May 18, 2008
what a joke
what a joke....
anyway i passed my basic theory without studying.... that time fail when i study.. haha
mood: funny
Listening to: Jokes!
LeOooOo @
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
its been a long long time
haahah! havent posted something here in awhile..
i so love growing my hair ever so slightly longer without anyone caring.. haha.. hee..loving every min of tht...

see... lol
and no...
i dun wish i was back in ns...though some around me say they do..
school for me offically starts on tues... though its just a elective module(which means it is nt really part of my itnerests.. i will survive since i got thru 3 straight days of 9 hr modules and an exam 1 1/2 days after tht..lol.. havent got back my results though.. so fingers crossed..heh
so anyone been training in their running?lol
*NOTE*: Keep june 140608 free guys!
Bryan.W.HongFa @
Sunday, May 4, 2008