what's outside?
just got back from school, another tiring day yet again...so sian. everyday busy with the same old stuff, wondering when will sian days come to an end. a lil high cuz it's pay day...no longer waiting for the tenth of each month, lol. looking back and it's a relaxing month this March...doing nothing, practically nothing exhausting, probably due to the weather. it's been bit of a rain but rather humid and not much of a sunny day all this while...and of course, am hating it. such hatred...turning kind of white...as in fairer in terms of complexion. despite the exercises, warm-ups, runs and stuff, it seems like without the sun, i won't get a tan. and running feels so awful when i started to pant before covering a mile...wah sian. i realised i do lose some weight in terms of calories burned during my evening runs. and my legs felt bloody weak after that...aching...cramps. crap.enough of updates. actually, not much. got to get ready for lesson...it's driving...and test in july. so got to xiangjing abit, oops. got time just go for lessons. i need to pass cuz i promised someone i'll go fetch him out of the camp the day he ord...lols. must make sure. since that fateful day i left seletar till now, i've yet to see him and slap him with my pink ic...but not that hard, otherwise if snapped into two, i still got to go down get replacement.anyway, this sunday evening i guess, a live run, anyone? we made a pact, didn't we? or did we? whatever. got time just leave a note at the tag box and we'll discuss about it there, yeah?lastly, to afew out there...i mean going to be 'out there'. have great fun in taiwan. bon voyage...wo ai ni men... wakakakamood: lonely...home alone, manlistening to: no song...lua no life
Bosco @
Monday, March 31, 2008
evening at wcp.
had a bad day...
hmm aiya dun need to say much yar?
any way... i went for a run at wcp... nt too good my condition today... hehe.. anyway...enjoyed the peace alone for awhile...
took a walk along the coast... toook some pictures.
wondered if this boatman was frm 35 sce.. haha he reversed the boat to the steps there..and lifted the obm.. haha see bei skill!!! lol..and he didnt even knock the boat hard against the rocks!
the sunset @ WCP...nice?
mood: ok lohListening to: 183 club- Gan Qing Xian
LeOooOo @
Sunday, March 30, 2008
after ord..
Hey guys!
been really busy these days doing nothing much..but quite tired. haven go find work yet, but definitely need one soon.
So how is everyone?
Here is a really outdated photo.. here it is:
Our dear friend: the Monkey Ramp
uphillelm @
Thursday, March 27, 2008
the continuation
hey guys...no one blog these days...
like i said be4
loves here cos its so private cos the few of us will read this page onli..
come on who else wants to read wad few male fellas think hur?
not as if we're f4 or wad..
to this person.
i've finally got the answer to the qns u asked a few days ago.
yes i still do.
ok guys
taiwan trip....
i'll be back!!
guang @
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
guang @
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
hey guys
hey guys!
i just realised so many posts these days...
how are you guys?
for me?
school's a bitch man....
im takin 3 modules...
Human Physiology, Sports Biomechanics and Anatomy.
Wah lau interesting larh! but v difficult...im dying!!!!!!
some pics

introducing lil man

lil man slaughtered by us

lil man with muscles!!!

imagine my bony leg!!!
mood: stressed.
Listening to: James Brown- Play That Funky Music, White Boy.
LeOooOo @
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
bummer's life.
after wad you guys posted,
i feel tat i'm a bummer!!
bumming ard everyday nothing to do.
ok, nothing suggestive and effective done.
been like partying, suppering, shopping, mahjonging etc.
now i feel bad bumming ard.....
but i tink everyone's getting the same feeling
tat we all miss our times in the bunk.
BUNK and ONLY in the BUNK times!!
all our nonsensical talks, gamings and gossiping abt rock lee.
ZZ is ur student goes "no no no no no no no"
i tink its time u give tat fella a slap!!
me, kx and raft 2 guys gonna go taiwan on 1st april.
will try to get some stuff back for u.
i'm starting to miss our singing sessions!
its nice seeing weimeng and gf at chomps!
ahah gab why u so lousy?!??!?!
maybe cos u nv blog!!
times are hard now,
many pple begins to emo.
i'm starting to get affected.
listen to mayday's ting bu dao!
guang @
Monday, March 17, 2008
just got back from school. what a day yet again...
i realised everyone just got back to their busy lifestyle, just like before everyone enlisted. sometimes busy until you've got no time to catch some breath, while sometimes it's just too bored that you just relax one corner and started stonning. just like this morning, lessons all the way like don't know what. then finally over, so went to the canteen, sat down, and was enjoying my cup of coffee alone...lua no friend.
所谓 "今时不同往日"
i was thinking about those days in bunk playing all day- psp, mahjong, cards. now i see my students often took out their psp and started playing. amidst playing, they also started spouting 'shit lah", "f***", and all that. imagine one of them suddenly... "no no no no no no....!!"
looks like it's a different place in time today. the visuals and sounds all belong to a different time from the present. psp days in army have gone into history. usually when there's available time, my friends, also colleagues, and i would head for the lounge. there's this small room in the staff office for teachers to roc. four corners- so one for one, lol. we played cards, chess, board games or watch tv. when i think of mahjong, i will just sit down with my macbook on my lap and login to viwawa.com. LOL. no choice- mahjong set take out also 1 缺 3.
ok lah, enough of that. things may change and it's really kind of weird when we don't get to see each other often, just like the past when everyone graduated from school and don't get to meet up with classmates that often anymore. sometimes when we see each other, it's just another smile but fewer conversations as time passes.
do update yourselves, guys. see you soon =)
is this compulsory?
mood: deep in thoughts.
listening to: music > artists > chinese > bands > 五月天 > 神的孩子都在跳舞 > 孙悟空
Bosco @
past and present
Hi guys, sorry not posting for a long time. I am just lazy (:Reading all your posts make me realize how much i miss you all. sounds gay eh?As what you all said, in army we are restricted and not doing the things we like. But now we are FREE le! But the past 1 and half year stay with you all is something memorable and fun.So much for emo emo..now i just got a job..work for one week already. Its very monotone and boring. Data entry..filing..entertaining some customer calls is what i do everyday.Lets make one meet up session soon, i would suggest a dinner coz some of us may be working or studying? Everyone just take good care till then!mood: tiredlistening to at this moment: 林俊杰 & 金莎 - 期待爱
weimєng @
Sunday, March 16, 2008
sorrry for not posting..
hey guys...
sorry i havent been posting for some time le... i apologise sincerely..
i've been having a lot of problems lately..
thats why i nv come out or anything...
if i happen to offend anyone of u, i apologise again...
school's been a mounting pressure for me...
and so is rship...
hmm well......
most important is ord..
but i still love u guys man!!!!
cant stop looking at the pics we took while we were outfield...
really treasured the times we have man....
here's a pic of gman, me and wm when we were in camp be4 we went for gym!
mood: sian
Listening to: Eighth wonder- Cross my heart
LeOooOo @
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
The mood.. is brilliant!
Hmmmm..... I just noticed i havent posted an entry in a super long time..since CNY08! How can? lol.. okay i will post more
Well, we have finally ord-ed.Kinda posted all my feelings in my own blog..lol... but will write it all down here too..abeit the revised version.. hahaha
The feeling of freedom. The feeling of not gng back to face some ppl who r not even qualified to be in charge of us.. The feeling of nt always being on our tiptoes. ARE PRICELESS!
Some say it might all fade away and in turn wish to be in NS again. I SERIOUSLY DUNT THINK SO! hahahaha..I cant wait to even starty mugging! how sick is tht! lol
Anyway, we wills till meet up for stuff like running etc. Remember, AHM we are still dng together rite? lets train together! hahaha..

Bryan.W.HongFa @
today! we are set freeee!!!!
sorry guys still cant get my hands on the pics...
am tryin very hard....
like i said i like tis blog cos its isolated frm the other side of my friends....
so i can emo all i wan..
the other side frens are kinda like almost interlinked...
so when things spread,
not even wild fire is soooooo sooooo sooooooo fast.
yeah its kinda unlike me to want to emo here...
but lets start the ball rolling shall we??
say the date is 110308...
2years ago we enlisted...(minus gaybro)
now we are free!!
the happiness cant be described...
dont you guys agree????
finally outta tat shit place, shit command.
now its time to plan, party,
party, party, party, party and back to reality!
ok now fun part is over.....
say for the past erms...
2plus years? i've been tryin to tell myself,
make myself believe,
actually do believe that.....
i've gotten over tis particular person.
but somehow,
its so ironic that little smses will
tinker the heart.
i'm pretty sure that our event is over, but
such smses do bring smiles frm within...
oh wells....
i guess the ord comes just in time for change of environment....
guang @
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
a penny for a thought...
当我踏进这扇铁门时,有一股气味正茫然向我循了过来。这是什么一股气味呢?这就是 the scent of freedom。liao gai?
不知道是不是 book in 比一般早晨晚了一些,还是什么的,今早的空气是特别地新鲜。我看着 delta 的 pioneer 正在 guide 着一辆辆的车行驶至那扇铁门之前。他对这我笑。我也笑着,算是回应了他。应该是因为他和我们 mobile stage 有一起合作过,所以似乎好像记得我的面孔。但我知道他心里其实是很 sad 的。
我便加快了脚步往 bravo cos office 走去。因为我怕会来不及。等一下 csm charge 我 awol。我就真的 what the f***。lua 翔景。在路途中,我回想起了不少东西... ...
时光仿佛因此倒流了七百三十九天前的那个中午(不信可以算算看),母亲陪着我到了那艘荒岛。其实也不算是什么荒岛。只知道那晚我将乖乖地沉睡在那艘岛上,还要用 mosquito net,真是 what the f***。所以有一点闷,有一点 depression,有一点不知所措。因此,睡不着。更糟的是,第二天下午就从此梳不了头发。我的天呀!lua rock lee. 但时间可化解所有伤心,哦悲伤!怎么说呢?因为有一群谈的来的朋友,有好玩的,有风趣的,以及搞笑的。这么一来,日子也变得好过多了。不过少不了那些 guai lan 的 sergeants,我们也 lan lan 的受罚。不过有这些那么 together 的朋友,受罚也变得 like it's no big deal. 飘洋过海来到了 wu lu 的 seletar camp,原本以为应该是个很闷的居住地方,si bei sian,不过日子久了还是觉得这里还蛮 home 的,而且还蛮靠近 amk hub,所以每次 nights out 都似乎玩得很乐。还有那些忘不了的 outfield 时光,不管是跟整个 team 一起,还是只跟我的 'gay buddy'- bryan wong 鸿发,还是孤零零地被 attached out,我都似乎对 outfield 有了感情。相比之下,要我忘了怎么跟凯翔,伟明,leonard 他们度过那些打 pin,洗 stores,maintain stores 的日子,是一件根本都办不到的事。不过这不包括与 rock lee 打 pin 的时候,因为首先他是 homebank,我是 far bank 的人。Secondly, he's f**king irritating... yeh yeh yeh yeh gagagaga 啊 diam lah! 我连想都不想跟他打 pin,更何况是睡在他床边。That's the most demoralising period of my army life in Bravo.
再想起最后一个 exercise,我们真的经过了不少的风风雨雨,真的是要风得风,要雨得雨。I mean it's really the real rain and wind. 我们可真是感受到了那种‘唇亡齿寒’的感觉(我知道真正的意思是什么,只是故意用词不档)。我只记得我们一起煮面吃(but i think 在 bunk 而已),一起去冲凉(因为这样我们才可以一起比 raft 1 还大声),一起出去 nights out(though 这不是很多次),一起做 stores,一起被雨淋湿,一起热在 tonner 里面,一起 shack out,一起 water break,一起讲 rock lee 的坏话(not only me hor),真的什么东西都要一起 meh?一起睡,一起冻结在 tonner 里面。冷死啦!虽然最后一个 exercise 没有跟他们一起同甘共苦,但是真的,说真的,我为我的这些 anchorage 的朋友感到骄傲。我为他们献上我最忠诚的敬意。salutes. 因为就是因为有了他们,所以才能把每个 exercise 变成个 meaningful 又 fruitful 的 exercise. 谢谢伟明陪伴了我。你说的对... it's not so lucky to have a friend who has been through BMT, then POP and ORD with you. 听起来像 nothing,but 这种缘分真的真的比中 4D 还难。谢谢你能容忍我的 jiao wei and 多嘴,谢谢你的帮助 here and there. 谢谢凯翔也帮了我不少忙。我应该会一直保持身段,so we are still banana brothers. 谢谢 guang hao 加入了 anchorage team,也谢谢你这么有耐心,能够忍受我们 anchorage 这么多的搞笑行动(我知道尤其是我)。谢谢 LeoOooOooO(这样比较像你),i mean Leonard,你也是帮了我不少,其实是很多很多。还帮我顶罪,帮我出口气,啊 marina square. 有时候顶嘴,真的真的不好意思。有时候真的感谢你那么懂得体谅我的感受。还有每次都不会忘了 out ration 一包 vege ration 给我,不像 andy chiong. 好感动。感动就哭咯... 我的 vege out ration is always 热的,因为那是个温暖的一包 vege ration. 谢啦!谢谢 gabriel 这么 garang. 其实他不是 garang,而是怕 sign extra. 啊,这样讲 gabriel 啦... 谢谢你很多次都无条件地付出你的全部。说真的在 anchorage team 里,你和 Leonard 永远都是最有推动力的领袖。总之,谢谢大家的贡献... kerling,bryan wong,ernest,arvin,不管贡献是多是少,我相信大家都至少尽了自己的本分,尤其是大家都献上了一颗诚恳的心。
p.s. 如果我写了什么东西而得罪了某人,在此肯请某人原谅,除了 rock lee. 还有在感谢方面如果没有提起某人的名字的话,也请某人大人不记小人过。再感谢下去就真的要被伟明打一粒... gud tao ba. Then he'll start to rotate his fist...
"还要谢谢监制,杨文荣先生,谢谢 Ah 木,David,Lebon,我爸爸,我妈妈,还要谢谢我太太跟我生了两个那么可爱的孩子 ah boy ah girl,daddy love you..."
很熟 hor... 啊!lao gao 的我...
like guang hao always say "志中,回来吧!"
so back to the present...
天下无不散之宴席... 这句话我可是百分之百地同意。我们虽然不知道何时可再次重逢,也不知道是否还可找回那些同聚在一起的快乐时光,但有样东西我知道是不变的。那就是回忆... ...
Hearts never change. It's the feeling that fades.
10 March 2008 Monday Rainy:
it's a new beginning today as the book of life reads a new chapter on a fresh piece of paper. what shall be written? things to do? things to buy? or goals in life you may want to achieve ten years eight years down the road. some things may have to go their way because they are predestined. so, sorry have to go. some chose to let nature take its course. sometimes people dwell on the past. while others chose not to let the past haunt their minds. so it's up to you whether you want to change your destiny. it's all in your hands to create your future. choose to change things or let things change you.
so who says time is ahead of us?
it's the dreams of Man which create a realistic tomorrow, labour of Man that builds an optimistic future.
the pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. an optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty. which one are you?
lastly, i want to say this. no matter how far we all may be. no matter how busy our lives may be. no matter what, i hope for the best in everyone and as time flies past unnoticingly, please do update this blog with even the slightest happening you've been through or you want to share. thanks!
LOL ord loh everybody 跑路...
who cares about blogging except me. 哎... =)
Bosco @
Monday, March 10, 2008
hey sorry for not posting in a while.
hey sorry for not posting in a while. haha its guang's bday. happy bday. the mono guys ord liao. left few days for u guys la. its also her bday todae. if u guys noe who. haha i found this song by sylvester sim, lol i feel the lyrics for myselfso here it is. get the mp3 frm me if u guys want it. 我一直以来都守护在你身边。不知你如何看得见,也只好静静靠在一边,你的笑容能让我开心一整夜, 好想拥有你在我身边, 让灰暗世界变成晴天, 时间已经蹉跎, 我还有话很想说。酝酿埋藏心中却要如何开口。 该不该继续沉默,该不该勇敢直说。。。 希望你会懂。不能在一起也没关系,至少你懂我的心。。。会在想你, 那些回忆会永远保持甜蜜, 不管未来你会在哪里我都不会忘记, 我爱你。。。你是我微笑的原因
. last midnite i baked a cake for her. gave her a stupid reason to meet her up. she wanted to borrow my mahjong set and the board game twister. so i told her i had to work today and couldnt bring it with me to work and asked her to get it from me at past midnite. i baked the cake at the house of my other fren, who happened to be one of her close gal frens. hoped shes a little touched. going her party soon. has a crappy theme. tht is to wear any uniforms. give her face. i gotta wear jjc uniform after 2 yrs... i dun wanna wear the army one. cuz ORD LOH!.
gaybro @
Friday, March 7, 2008
while waiting..
ok, while waiting for dear guang to post again, why not watch a movie together lo, here:
uphillelm @
Thursday, March 6, 2008
guys! fotos gonna be up soon!
one last ting....
coountdown! 5days left!
guang @
Wednesday, March 5, 2008