team anchorage! 010308 fall in at 1830 downtown east!!
anyway.... its totally madness out there! something happened to our security! the damn JI guy escaped!!! how the heck did that happen if hes the most dangerous guy in SG?? lets hope we get proper explaination of what happened! everyones getting mad! the guy who ran outta camp wif a SAR! and now this!
haha kinda funny isnt it the 2 days we were in camp, we overslept and wasnt able to fall-in in time!
anyway to those tat may kenna trouble soon, let hope its nothing serious!
lastly!! i wanna say tis!!!
guang @
Thursday, February 28, 2008
as above...
sad =\
mood: hurt Listenin to: Zhou Hui- Bu Xiang Rang Ni Zhi Dao.
LeOooOo @
Monday, February 25, 2008
This is the future
The Future Mrt System
Everyone just look at this, our complex mrt system of the future. Looking at this makes me wonder if it could compare with london's tube. Here, have a look.
The London Tube
Then again.. maybe not, really can't compare. Sometimes I really wish that I could just draw a straighter line from woodlands to tampines. and another from woodlands to johor and another from woodlands to boon lay. selfish me.. oh, and seems like boon lay isn't the last stop anymore.. The future is really an exciting place to be.. don't ya think so?
Wah.. just look at Tokyo.. I really don't know where to begin..
The Tokyo Mess
uphillelm @
Sunday, February 24, 2008
poor panda mama
uphillelm @
Saturday, February 23, 2008
ya.. same, also need money, so I've been browsing the internet and newspaper for work that I could possibly do.. then I found this on the recruits on today's straits times: " "Earn up to $3k. Data Entry & Online surveyor wanted. Flexi Hrs. Email:"
Interested, I checked the internet for, but it transfered me to , still not convinced, I emailed the company and a computer generated mail was returned immediately:
Dear applicant,
Thank you for reponding, we have immediate opening available for individuals to work online. Earning range up to $3000. Applying individual must be self motivated, possess basic typing skill with desire to work in data entry, research and surveying field. The prefered individuals must have access to internet with a valid email address. If you fit the above description please apply at
Your Sincerely
Clicked on the link, but still got back to same place. I must say the offer on the website is really enticing. put in relatively little effort and get back relatively more reward. Just like the kind of job I would do during this period if there is money but maybe not in future. Anyway, take a look lo. The first thought that came to my mind was :" waht? another scam." Nonetheless just let you guys take a look.
I would have signed up for it and if it works then I let you guys know.. but, haha.. no credit card.. so what do you think? Is this really just another scam? Is it only my imagination or am I really so naive?
Anyway, my craving for sushi is back.. maybe anyone going to eat can ask me along.. thanks, btw I only eat buffet.
listening to : Thank You!! by Home Made Kazuko
uphillelm @
many apologies...
hey peeps! sorry for the long draught in the posts... i guess we gotta work on this to keep it going ya? i've been really busy... but not like what kai said busy with my studies... im busy...but been busy going out...
indeed kai's post has triggered me to blog... its been alot of up's n down's for me this week.. i dont know izzit up or down la... so confused!!!!!
Gman! too bad arsenal didnt win man...
oh ya regarding running...i really wanna get down to it... but i havent been feeling too good recently.. Lotsa late nites...and my body's breakin down soon... lots of travelling... from home to Tomato Land... =X
i also need a job soon!!!!!! super duper broke man!!! Listening to: Elva Hsiao- Zhui Shou Xi De Mo Shen Ren. Mood: Dont know.
LeOooOo @
Friday, February 22, 2008
bizz.. bizz. bussy! busy! busy?
Again.. its been so long since I posted anything... again.. probably, some of you are really just like me, every few days log in just to see if any of our beloved friends have posted something new..haha.. but.. to all our great disappointment.. none.. Now, if you may, please let me ask, where have all the people go?
ORD is really near, so near I can feel it in my very bones.. I think this is especially true for me. Anyway, I don't know if you guys are serious, when you mention the class 30.. but guess what.. I'm on it! not really easy considering I have only the thin wire left.. the thick one is out of stock.. And so this is my report of what happened to me today. Pondering about our favourite class 30. 真的假不了。。
I am sure many of you are busy doing other your other stuffs.. like gabriel with his job and girl chasing, leo with his study, wei meng with his girlfriend and running, zz with his swimming, manjong and running, guangh with his running and birthday and dinosaurs, bingquan with his teeth, kerling with his dota, bryan with his swimming and fashion shows, xiang en with his wife, ernest with his girlfriend and dog, arvin with his singing, xiao mike with his beer and boat men and soon NS men, and the forbidden onesss .. not too sure...
Seems like everyone is really busy.. except me.. haha.. with my wires. Its amusing thinking like this.. don't know why, makes me laugh. like I am enjoying life a little too early in my life. Anyway, if I sort of unintentionally got it wrong (read above again and serch for your name, anchorage exclusive.) really apologize..
please feel free to scold me or correct me by clicking "new post" I would get the message the next time I log in. Really thanks.. haha. Maybe this would generate some posts.. then again.. mabe not..
ok.. have to stop.. otherwise I know some would complain..
yoz! gman's back! nonstop action all the way.. ubin cycling on sun... most of you saw the aftermath on monday when i sleep all the way! butt hurts.....
ytd's NE was long, draggy... but i tink it was quite interesting. maybe its just me cos i like things like history.
seriously need a money tree... my wallet's getting thinner and thinner...
hm come to think of it. i actually wanted to post my current wishlist on my blog. but i realised it'll be like i'm hinting pple to get me stuff like i'm damn gian the presents.... nxt time ba nxt time...
i went to run today! konzen! ZZ!! u run le mah?? hahah
zz huat ar!
oh yar! pls some miracle happen so that arsenal will win against ac milan draw also can. but dont lose!! *cross my fingers*
guang @
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
ORD aftermath.
Anchorage outing was fun indeed. lol at least everyone get to hear each other sing other den the new moon kx. Hmm life after ORD have some what been comfortable... no more early morning wake up to eat breakfast... i dont have to sweep my hse floor after waking up as well. no more getting hands dirty over doing shit work... (sorry guys endure a few more weeks) but life's won't be dat gd after i find myself a job. no more income to sustain my driving lessons... my hp bills... aircon bills... and wat more bills to come... need to chiong to find a job before the competition gets stiffer in march when everyone else gets freed. lol. love luck hasn't been much gd either in case somebody is interested. shit sia. maybe its juz impossible. -.-
gaybro @
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
our cny outing!!!
hey hey.. finally had our first official team-a|x outing! discussed with weimeng in the earlier part of the day and realised we cant have these kinda outings once every month.. everybody would be busy with their own stuffs... but no harm TRYING.. eh? haha
We had wine, dine and song... although we didnt really had wine! *eyebrows*
Im really glad that all that are supposed to turn up turned up...... at least our efforts in organising this Ktv cum dinna didnt go to waste at all.. *beams*
save me guys..
*pics* us at the ktv!!
Steamboat!!!! food..
thats all lar..
mood: neutral Listening to: Faye Wong- Zhi Mi Bu Hui
LeOooOo @
你 huat 了没有?
O_____O O_____O 馬 恭 到 喜 功發 成 财 O_____O O_____O
first to all, an exciting and prosperous new year ahead... next to all who have contributed to this blog cuz i guess this blog will be our form of keeping in contact with each other especially after we turn NSman (i almost typed MSN) so thanks to all and hope we can keep ourselves updated through this page. thanksss
then again, besides organising gatherings like this, i think we can come out with our own live runs like maybe alternate sundays, yep, i think we can, lah i think then you think then who confirm? so like if some can confirm, then we can settle on such occasional live run gatherings or maybe swimming, ya.
i wanna know.
ok, lah enough cock i shall close this post before i afk... yesterday play mah jong till dawn, omg. got huat ah... but not playing the real money, lah, just counters :x bou siew...
and g huat already? shag.
Bosco @
Sunday, February 10, 2008
time is near
hohohohoho! happy cny ma guys! uberly sian cos i stay at home for the whole day..
tml den i shall go visiting!! gaybros laogao to rub it in! lol....
happy hour was fun! finally ord parade! now whats left is offs leaves and more att c~
now i'm gettin a headache over the booking of chalet for my bdae..... cant understand the webby.... anyone gotta experience?
guang @
Thursday, February 7, 2008
hello guys. i finally found my email and password. sorry for not posting earlier. these days i'll be posting more entries as u all noe im more free outside... haha sorry sorry. time really flies and the good times really dun last. Its CNY nw hope every1s having some gd time and gettin big red packets. haha. anyways i'll always rmb anchorage when i play psp, chinese chess n mahjong. i 'll also rmb anchorage when i see oil, rust, wires... i think u all get the idea... i'll nv forget anchorage... haha. anyway i got to go bai nian now. cya guys on mon huh. ja ne
gaybro @
Ang Pao Ang Pao i want! lol
Hey peeps! Few more hours and there would be loads of gong xi gong xi and loud noises going about!~ hahahaha
Its funny how this blog in a way can be a refuge from my other one where it has to be censored more, here i can like... hmm, lets say, reveal more? lol. What to do, daddy and mummy read my blog so... hahah
Family members one after another being hospitalized... while other families wait in anticipation for the new year, the mood here is more like praying and just.. really praying we do not get any phone calls. Yes it doesnt sound good but just trying to keep optimistic
O WELL! enough with the bad news.. Im sure everyone will be having a great time the next few days!
Gong Xi Fa Cai in advance! can wait for the CNY outing on monday! lol
Bryan.W.HongFa @
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
hey guys!!! me bloggin once again...
ok... Firstly.. just to ease your worries... We wont get into any troubles for postin pictures that we took in camp. However, we WILL get into troubles for postin pictures of the equipment that we use.. so dont worry eh....
2ndly, errr Kaixiang, why always no worries? hahaha
okok... i really wanna say thank you to you guys for ur words... hmm i was feelin really really vexed...although i still am.. but somehow i dont try to think of it any more.... thanks to kai's laogao-ness... thanks to guang especially for those chinese thingy... tot u cant read chinese? hmm ^^
really must everything also thanks meh? See bei ANDY(thanks) Chiong leh....
kai and weimeng.. with the horse in pasir ris park..
one of the horses...
mood: mundane Listening to: The Eagles- Love Will Keep Us Alive
LeOooOo @
Saturday, February 2, 2008
morning rant
yea, we are into the second month of our little blogging community.. really good man.. I guess all of this really did turn out better than i have expected.. Ah Guang so early then blog liao.. i guess i would miss living together under one roof with so many strangers who eventually became friends.. but even if we ORD we would still be friends.. so no worries.
Anyway, ya would miss gab they all as they leave early.. actually they sort of left super early last year when they went for the rugby attachment thing.. but its only a matter of time that we would all eventually leave this 伤心地 together.. so no worries.
Army is actually quite interesting in the sense that it forces people together and cause them to react like chemicals. Some would be inert, while some would results in a change in color, starts to bubble let out a sweet smelling gas or even an explosion. I like to think of it as some cross junction in life that many people go through to get to the opposite. In this so many people from all walks of life converge into a single point.. some would walk the same paths while others would rarely see each other again.. thats why the idea of this blog is so good.. So the procrastinator himself is going to ask people to blog more lo.. when they can.. so in future it would more 理所当然.. I know you guys would do it... so no worries.
when i go Malaysia, almost every meal is like a buffet, a mini one, cause there is just so many people.. So I would definitely eat like crazy.. fake it. I made a tree of my family, using geni and it actually resulted in a tree of 113 people (still increasing), amounting to about 60+ per side of the family (father/mother). Amazing figures.. interesting to know. And when I was building the tree, I had great difficulty cause I know not the names of 60- 70% of my relatives. That easily is about bravo company's size. Imagine the entire family living together in a building like 477.. unthinkable.. but i doubt there would be another rock lee.. so no worries.
Anyway, I would like the seize the chance to create something like a desiree list or something.. like u want something and would work towards it anyway, here's my list of some stuffs.. hopefully you can post some too, so if I see discount somewhere down the road, I would give you a call something like: "xiao guang, the dog biscuits are on discounts, you want?" "yea! I want! help me buy POH XIU!!" dot dot dot...
1: a pair of specs 2: w890i phone 3: Altus A907-1107 flute, either close/open hole, b foot joint, e mech
I know you you guys would post something soon.. so no worries.
from auntee desiree to uncle noworries sorry guang hao, i post on ur blog, but u cannot read chinese i wrote: "啊!没有去翔恩的啊!“ (ahh! mei you qu xiang en de ah!) jus in case you can't see again ~ you may serve the buffet now, everyone's here.
Monster Attack don't just occur in dreams or nightmares.. in your sleep anymore!... be very AFRAID!!
blah!!h%&^**GHdhu&9&^$% Blah!!
Captain Monster strikes again!!
uphillelm @
totally random!
alrite 1stly i'mm like uberly glad that we really put our emotions into the blog even though we stay together!! kinda like push our friendship deeper hur? sounds kinda gay... oh no!?
gabs gonna ord in 5 days time. gonna miss his lao-gaoness... oh yar along with him will be erms no fat puuch to laugh wif at chinny hao. no chin hao to laugh at. no zhi xian to do the quick reflex. no rp to see him nua.....
OH YAR! NO MORE FREAKING ROCK LEE!! *celebrations! bring out the firecrackers!*
hm...i'm starting to agree to uphillelm that those fotos might get us into troubles... so beware to all the guys... i'm gonna be xiang jing alr.
speaking of uphillelm.... such a deep thinker! i must ask you out to watch those intellectual show with me!
when one starts to tell a lie. he makes up thousands of lies to cover it up. theres no such things as a white lie. * so my take is to make sure you cover your ass properly!*
with both wm and leo posting about relationship stuff it bring back my own memories..... but then again i hardly shares any with anyone... sorry guys...
but i really want to bring this up..
call me old fashion personally i feel that its really up to karma for one to meet another and proceed on. but from then on its up to the skills of maintaining it. isnt maintainence what we are damn good at given that we do body/equip maintainence all the time! =D of course, there are times in life when two individuals brush by each other, some stopped to say hi and stayed for a drink. some thought that they can get some fun out of the other. lessons in life, arent they? but its impt to learn the right lesson! ive learnt some of it alr. tells alot hur?
oh yar leo, i cant believe i'm gonna say this here but here goes.... i, I! belived in one theory frm one of my lessons. its called "ren bu wei ji, tian zhu di mia" if you get it, you got it! i wont say it again.
chinese new year ard the corner. food feast guys. food glorious FOOD! but guys watch the weight and the tummy! kx u eat all the heck u want. get fatter! cant wait for the dinner wif all of u!
oh my.... it seems like its been uberly loong time since i last posted anything that long and that much emo.
guang @
About Us
-We are team a|X
-We come from diff walks of life
-takin 2 min water break
Our Outings
** Next Outing ** Program:CNY Reunion Dinner When: JAN 2011 Venue: TBC Time:TBC Budget:TBC