大哥说得算!! 还蛮是。。
Wah.. its been so long since i posted something anywhere at all.. anyway, ya first post here, 小弟here very the 惭愧,cause the blog has been up for so long but I have not really contributed much . So thanks again to leo and team for the great work, and wei meng for setting up this blog in the midst of managing his relationships and camp stuffs etc.. etc..
Anyway, new year is really round the corner, but (just don't know why my english just gets more and more broken by the year), just don't know why the atmosphere just kept getting blander and blander by the year. Every year I cannot help but to look northly to Malaysia, where its truly Asia to escape the boringness of our sunshine Island. Having said that, I would of course not forsake my fellow comrades and be back for our banquet that dear leoo has organized. 大哥说得算,so whatever it takes even if it means crawling back, I will be.. back! yar.. ok not everyone is excited... nvr mind
recently, I have also become concern if the pictures we take in our little jail is deem "sensitive" or not. However it seems to be only an issue on my part.. no one seems to be bothered. oh and bryan, I saw your blog.. its so full of pictures.. wow, i can tell you love blogging.
Since its the Chinese new year coming.. I think lets not be so moody. yar, its ok to be a little moddy like me, but try not to be too moody like me. get it? everyone seems to be in a struggle.
anyway, i been to some meeting and heard someone said this of his philosophy, one, never be sick, two, always be sincere, and three, never tell lies.
ok.. stop here.. those feeling moody please cheer up.. and look on the better side of life.. maybe listen to some classical music ya? or write ur troubles on a piece of paper then burn it. and ah does gab and ker ling they all noe abt this? nvr see them at all
ok, overcome then advance
power projection!
from uncle troublefrees
mood: in anticipation of good fortune
music: symphony no.5 Tchaikovsky, 鸽子
uphillelm @
Thursday, January 31, 2008
home sweet home
hey guys!its really been a long and tiring month of Jan.finally it will soon be over, ord to come! :)Chinese new year is around the corner. yayness! food fat fart! haha! takecare and dont fall sick!looking forward to our ax outing..thanks to leonard for organising it again. Lets enjoy.I agree with leonard that all of us must do a part to keep this place alive, a place to link us together. So please do blog and post as you can, you dont want me to be like a usms ic do u? heh heh heh.mood: sad yet excited. hmm.
listening to: Indecent Obsession & Mari Hamada - Fixing A Broken Heart (Duet)
weimєng @
emo me
lemme think wat i wanna say.
things have been really not good for me these days..
so so so tired..
i feel down.
today i was in
Bus no.74 and i was thinking..
thinkin whether i should do what im doing
(Im sorry i cant go into details...just listen to me rant can? hee^^)its wrong... and i know it..
but as far as i know...
Relationships do not work like buying Bah Gua.
We dont give away relationships so easily like we allow the next person in queue to get the piece of barbecued meat first.
Is it no link?i think of it this way.... the XIANG JING way...
if im gonna let this relationship go..
if im gonna let her go.
if im gonna let him have her..
who's gonna let me have?
Selfish....i know...
Wrong..but i want.... but i dont know wat to do.
*Attention*Dudes... i have edited the template to put in a new section called "Our Outings" to replace "Our Desires" This section will serve as a reminder to all team a|x members of all information on our outings that will happen in the future..and also to facilitate more outings in da future ... so guys... DUO DUO ZI CHI!!! i also hope that this section will be useful after we ORD okie?any suggestion can give me a call or what okie?if nothing, POWER PROJECTION... *lame*mood: sad =\
Listening to: Jay Zhou Jie Lun- Wo Bu Pei.
LeOooOo @
HonghFa's first post! hee
Yay! my first post! hope for many more to come!
I dunch know how u guys survived doing it but juz being there for 3 days for me was more than enough! hahahah
O! DRAGON BOATING IS TERRIBLE! i almost died! only crazy ppl do it! hahaa! so random!
Anyway, will post more in the future!
Heres a lil entertainment with pictures.. hee!

And since i was the photographer and taking pics of u guys, i add my own one in!hahahahha

Bryan.W.HongFa @
Sunday, January 27, 2008
fruitless efforts
you guys worked hard for 2 whole wks
then the management says that it wasnt necessary.
what a way to spend the 2 weeks!
1st wk back to camp frm the attachment.
initially kinda got depression....
but the vettings got my mind busy....
no time to think.
all is good!
i got the same fone model as weimeng.
but its the silver one.
cant wait for the cny dinner with u guys!
guang @
Saturday, January 26, 2008
feeling sad...
Hi guys!
It feel so at home here, happy with how things are going, thanks to leonard. Do post more often okay guys?
Having a rough week and a rough time with my girlfriend.
Feeling very down and sian.
i love her but we were unsuitable..i wish things will work out but the future is uncertain.
weimєng @
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Pics + Jay's concert.
hey dudes..
i would like to apologise... for leavin early cos i had to go for the concert... and also for causing that idiot to rant his stupidity at u guys..
one whole stomach of anger!!!! lol
I also went to Jay's concert last nite... had a v good time with Fred..
Much of his concert were light hearted tracks...as he didnt wanna sing sad ballads becos it was his birthday.
It was pretty much a showcase of Jay's talents..
He played the piano, drums and even the chinese orchestra instrument Gu Zheng.
He danced with a walkin stick, Shuang Jie Gun and also with sexy girls....*nosebleed*
He changed his lyrics ad lib.
He charmed the audience with his humour.
overall i had fun, fun and more fun!
im gonna post some pics.. hope u guys like it yar?
the donuts kerling bought.
buddy's laogao face.
buddy again.. "Yong wo de lian chao xiao wo!!!"
zz n kx.
zz's cupboard....full of babes..
me with the jay cartoon character...
Jay singing & dancin to "Niu Zai Hen Mang"
playin on his personal piano...the transparent grand piano
piano battle with NanQuanMaMa's Yuhao
mood: Great!
Listening to: Zhou Jie Lun- Zhui Chang De Dian Ying
LeOooOo @
Saturday, January 19, 2008
good stuff!
heard you guys still gotta hit the pins.
dont worry will be back nxt wk!
jia you!!!
recently i got this very very superb blog address
i shall share it with all of you!
check it out!!
guang @
Thursday, January 17, 2008
gman arrives!
hello everybody!!
really like the blackground pic!
tried to put up the cbox
but cant read the html format.
make some noise!
guang @
Monday, January 14, 2008
new layout
hey dudes..
i have done the new layout for our blog..
give me some comments k?
anything tell me again..
thanks lot,
LeOooOo @
welcome to our banksite!
Hi all, the official blog opening of team a|x on 14 jan 08.Brief IntroductionThe idea came from the men of team a|x and it has been dragging for quite sometime.This blog serves as a place to keep in touch, know the whats and happening around us. Its also a place to let out some eMo.Don't be shy and start posting! welcome to all a|x and non a|x members.
weimєng @
Leo's entra de no.1
my first entry in here!!!
LeOooOo @
hi guys. wei meng is the blog liao jiao... kudos to him for makin this
gaybro @